Corrib News Samhain 2018

Nollaig faoi shéan ‘gus faoi mhaise daoibh. We can’t believe that the first term has almost passed. Only two more to go until the summer holidays!!

            Lots of exciting things have happened in Doireglinne since we spoke to you last. We have had a trip to Galway to Babaró. First we hopped on the bus at school and made our way to Galway. The traffic was so slow. We didn’t realise how lucky we are with our journey to school. We never see bumper to bumper traffic in Doireglinne or Léam. Our first stop was  the City Tribune building where we took part in a rocket workshop. We bet you didn’t know you can launch a rocket with a straw!! We didn’t believe it either! After this, we split up, with the Bunranganna going to the NUIG to see “How to Catch a Star” by Oliver Jeffers. They said it was brilliant and have had a visit at the school from the lady who created the show. They loved it and said it was the best show ever! The Ardranganna went to see Half Light in the Town Hall Theatre. Some loved it and some just liked it! There was music, dancing and acting and lots of madness so everyone had a great time. It beat sitting in school and that’s for sure. Afterwards we all met in NUIG where graduations were taking place. We had lots of discussions about what we will be when we grow up and what we would like to do in college.  I wonder how many of us will end up doing what said we want to!?

In the Ardranganna, we have just finished or annual block of swimming classes. Every year all the children from Rang 2-Rang 6 do 8 weeks snámh in Leisureland. We had great fun and loved swimming with our friends. The last day was so much fun as we got to play in the splash pool, yes even the Rang 6 children, and we got loads of turns on the slide!  But….it wasn’t all fun and happiness. As we were going swimming, the Bunranganna got to do GAA football with our new coach sent out by Galway GAA.  It’s Johnny Heaney!!! The Bunranganna were sona sásta with it while in the Ardranganna, we may have been a little green eyed! The school has  signed up to the Super Trooper programme. This means that for 3 weeks at school we do meet in the morning and do some group exercises, dancing, games or yoga. We also record how much physical activity we are doing. The 4th  week is done at home where we are trying to get the mums and dads on board.  We hope that everyone gets a little bit fitter by taking part or that we have some fun with or friends and families . The programme also looks at self esteem and mindfulness so we hope to have healthy bodies and healthy minds. Aidan O’Flynn is coming to do a minfulness morning with us. He came before and it was really enjoyable. He works with Connacht Rugby players in helping them focus and train their mind to be ready for competition.

It’s not all fun and games though! This term we have celebrated Maths Week and Science Week. Both rooms have been focusing on Recount Writing anad the language of Recounts. The Naíonáin have given oral recounts while all the children from Rang 1- Rang 6 have written a number of recounts. The Ardranganna have done them in Béarla agus Gaeilge.  The best ones are selected for Flashpoint, our school magazine that is now in its 31st edition. This is a collection of all our best writing and every child gets  to contribute.  The Ardranganna have also learned about Story Hooks to make readers not want to put our writing down! The Bunranganna have looked at Homes as part of Aistear and have had great fun learning about the Three Little Pigs.

Almost time to go, but Christmas means Dráma na Nollag. The Bunranganna are preparing Hansel and Gretel and the Ardranganna are doing Pirates of the Curry Bean. We will keep with tradition and again have some of our boys dressed as women and some of our girls dressed as men. Múinteoir says it’s all about gender balance. Have a great Christmas and we will be back in the New Year with more updates and pictures from the Scoil Muire crew.