Scoil Muire Doireglinne, formerly Scoil Náisiúnta, Leam was opened in 1877. Christopher St. George gave a site to Fr. Kavanagh, Parish Priest of Oughterard in 1852 to erect a school at Leam and at ‘Gort an Seangáin’ Glann. At that time, Leam had a large number of children who were attending school in a leaky cabin on the mountainside. This would be similar to a ‘hedge school’ of Penal times. On the Clifden road, the ‘Lodge’ at Glengowla was also used as a school but, by this time it was almost deserted.

A one-roomed school was built in Leam, just over the ‘Quiet Man Bridge,’ just inside the Gaeltacht.

This school was replaced by the present school at its’ current site in Doireglinne in 1959. The school was consecrated by his Lordship Bishop Michael Brown and the Parish Priest of Oughterard, Rev. Canon McCullagh.

Registers, Roll Books and ‘The District Inspector’s Observation Book’ dating back to 1877 are on site at Scoil Muire Doireglinne.

An extension to the school building was completed in 2008, adding an additional classroom, a general purpose room, office, kitchen, toilets and storage rooms.

Board Of Management An Bord Bainistíochta

Scoil Muire Doireglinne is managed by the Board of Management on behalf of the Patron and is accountable to the Patron and the Department of Education. The Bishop of the Diocese of Galway is the Patron. The term of office for each B.O.M. is four years.